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Deeply Question if You Control Something

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Stoicism has a basic principle: only care about what you can control. But what do you actually have control over?

Just a Quick Thought

Today I read few pages from Marcus Aurelius in the book called Meditations. He (and stoicism in general) always emphasize that you should care only about the things that you can control.

In the text I have read in the book Marcus states that you should ony categorize “good“ and “bad“ on the things you control, in this text especially what is your “own action“.

Playing with the Thought

This got me wondering: is it always easy to decide if I control something or not? I have been reading stoic writings for some time now, but I never saw details about this.

Let me give you an example. You argued with your best friend and now you two aren’t on good terms. However someone invited you to a party where your best friend will be present too. You go to the party and there you argue even more and your best friend spills his drink all over you.

In the example above: is this bad, or not even your own action? It wasn’t you who spilled the drink, so it’s not your own action. But you went to the party while you knew that your friend will be there too. So technically speaking it was your fault, it was your “own action“.

Am I wrong? Contact me and let’s have a talk about it. Maybe my “quick thought“ was too quick.

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