Web Development Blog Posts

a kite flying in the sky

Figma Variables Are Cool

web development

Part 5 of What Did I Learn From This Project?

They can be considered old features, but I just discovered them in more depth.

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colored pencils

Quick Web Accessibility Tip

web development

Part 4 of What Did I Learn From This Project?

A web accessibility tip that is about color contrast. Chrome DevTools makes this easy.

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a pen lying on a paper, the paper has box drawings and some text

Small Web Design Nuggets

web development

Part 3 of What Did I Learn From This Project?

Let me share with you 3 quick web design tips I discovered recently.

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tailwind text with it's icon, UI designing in the background

Use a CSS Framework to Save Time

web development

Part 2 of What Did I Learn From This Project?

I doubted people who advised me to use a CSS framework. Now, I think it is a must.

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few slightly rotated lines in the background, a link icon in the foreground

Simple Markdown Plugin to Open External Links in New Tab

web development

I made all the external links to be _blank. I needed this because I write every post of mine in Markdown.

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an astronaut in the background, in the foreground there is a brain icon and an image icon

CleverImage Astro Component for My Responsive Images

web development

Part 3 of Astro Web Image Performance

Create responsive images in pure HTML with the CleverImage component. Let me show you how easy it is.

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a futuristic background, 7 image icons next to each other, the image icons are getting smaller and smaller

Automatic Responsive Image Generation with an Astro Hook

web development

Part 2 of Astro Web Image Performance

Resized, compressed, formatted pictures. Use an Astro hook to automatically format images.

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a galaxy background, lots of image icons laying around, in the center there is a rocket launching up

I Boosted the Site's Performance with Better Images

web development

Part 1 of Astro Web Image Performance

I optimized the images on my personal blog. Let me tell you the goals of this series.

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3 different overviews of the paper clip post, each has an image then the title and the description, Facebook Twitter LinkedIn text under it

Don't Even Think About Releasing a Website without Reading This!

web development

With these simple methods, you can improve social media representation and SEO. Have better appearance and click-through rates from social media while you enhance search engine ranks.

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