Productivity Blog Posts

a question mark drawn onto a window

Two Simple Tmux Keybinds that Help Me Everyday


Part 5 of Improve Developer Productivity

I have been using tmux for a while now, but I still need some help. Two keybinds help me day by day.

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text if condition and inside the brackets there is a git icon

Automatically Using Different Author for Different Git Directories


Part 3 of Improve Developer Productivity

Yes, it's possible. The answer is git conditional configs.

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a laptop in the middle of the forest

I Am Back with some Tips and a New Series


Part 1 of Improve Developer Productivity

My last few weeks were all about configuring my setup. In this series I will show my best findings.

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Free AI Search Engine to Enhance Productivity


I have been using Phind almost every day. Sometimes it is just better than any simple search engine.

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a man typing on a laptop, next to him there is a note with a pen on top of it

Master Books with Digitalized Notes


Non-fiction books educate you. Create digitalized notes to remember the knowledge that the author gives you.

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A jar with paper clips in and next to it

How I Track My Progress with the Easy Gem Paper Clip Method


I have been tracking my progress with the easy gem paper clip method, with it, I can stay productive and really visualize my growth. Inspired by the authors of two famous books: Atomic Habits and The Millionaire Fastlane.

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