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a futuristic background, 7 image icons next to each other, the image icons are getting smaller and smaller

Automatic Responsive Image Generation with an Astro Hook

web development

Part 2 of Astro Web Image Performance

Resized, compressed, formatted pictures. Use an Astro hook to automatically format images.

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a galaxy background, lots of image icons laying around, in the center there is a rocket launching up

I Boosted the Site's Performance with Better Images

web development

Part 1 of Astro Web Image Performance

I optimized the images on my personal blog. Let me tell you the goals of this series.

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card list icon, zoom in icon, clock icon, copy icon, with a nice mountain view in the background

Series Feature, Zoomable Images

site information

I updated the blog! I want to show you 4 new things.

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Pi Alarm title, a time input with apply button next to it, a text input with stop button next to it, cobweb in the background

Finish Line, Web Interface of My Sunrise Alarm


Part 6 of Sunrise Alarm Clock Using a LED Strip

The script that joins all modules. Schedules the alarm, provides the web interface.

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sunrise with a loop icon on top of it

My Own Schema to Create Colorful Sunrise


Part 5 of Sunrise Alarm Clock Using a LED Strip

Control the colors of the LED based on a specific data structure. Define a sunrise easily.

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a paper calendar, 31 days are on it

My 31 Days Passcode Based System for My Sunrise Alarm


Part 4 of Sunrise Alarm Clock Using a LED Strip

If I want to stop my Sunrise Pialarm, I have to enter that day's passcode. I will show you how I generate them.

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a hand holding a remote control with a led strip in the background

Python Class to Control an RGB LED Strip on a Raspberry Pi


Part 3 of Sunrise Alarm Clock Using a LED Strip

A python class to use the LED with ease. Step-by-step tutorial.

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a raspberry pi with a LED strip connected to it

How to Connect a LED Strip to a Raspberry Pi


Part 2 of Sunrise Alarm Clock Using a LED Strip

Easy steps to connect the LED to the board. I will provide you a simple test script too.

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a LED strip on top of an early sunrise view on the beach

The Idea and Details About Sunrise Pialarm


Part 1 of Sunrise Alarm Clock Using a LED Strip

My custom sunrise alarm clock using a LED strip. Read about the why, what and how.

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bookshelf with lots of books on it

Read Fictional Books

self improvement

Fictional books aren't bad, like I thought before. I will share my story and write down why you should read them too.

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